Monday, April 2, 2007

Coming soon… IMS or “IMS-ready” – You CAN tell the difference!

By Tsahi Levent-Levi

In my first post on this blog, I started to explain the real difference between real IMS and “IMS-ready” or “IMS-lite”. In the context of SIP, which is what IMS is all about on the client side, this comes down to an exhaustive, daunting list of features. I know, I know... it is not all SIP. You also need IPSec, XCAP and other such curses. Don’t worry, I won’t forget them.

So to be sure I have enough to write about here, and because I feel that we really do need to understand the difference, I’ll be going over this feature list according to subject: compression, security, quality of service, billing, etc.

Because this is going to take some time, I will try to cover one concept in each post – so stay tuned!

I’d like to wish all our Christian readers, a Happy Easter and all our Jewish readers a Happy Passover. And to the rest of you… try not to work too hard while everyone else is celebrating!


Anonymous said...

Hi Tsahi,

In terms of the scope of the IMS AG, it seems interesting. Are you aware of the Open Mobile Terminal Platform forum's work in this area?

It seems it's a word of mouth thing...not much material on their website at the moment...but they will be releasing a set of operator agreed IMS requirements for handsets in the next two weeks or so (early-May 2007).

Could be worth checking out especially as a good starting point for defining the requirements for interoperability.

Perhaps it may be worth organising some liason between these two groups. OMTP will be starting a new version of their IMS handset requirements in May (for release towards the end of S2 2007).

Ultimately, it's a very complex task, putting IMS on devices, but good luck in your endeavours in IMTC.


Tsahi said...

Hi Rich,

Thanks for this important comment. The OMTP is defining the set of requirements for an IMS mobile platform. As such, the IMTC IMS AG complements its work quite nicely.
I will take this suggestion to organize the liaison between the IMTC and OMTP.

Tsahi Levent-Levi